
2023-11-18 []

姚擎宇,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(QS世界排名19) 博士、博士后,获河南省外专局《外国高端人才确认函》,持中国杰出人才类签证,作为海外高层次人才,引进回国。现为6163银河.net163.am特聘教授,先进材料超精加工与智能制造学科带头人。姚博士在澳大利亚卧龙岗大学(QS世界排名185)、悉尼大学(QS世界排名19)、新南威尔士大学、联邦科学院(CSIRO)、Bradken集团(世界500强)主持及参与完成澳大利亚ARC国家级科学探索项目(DP0557895)、ARC国家级工业联合项目(LP0669848、LP110100054)共三项,并指导博士、硕士研究生完成研究工作。而后进入澳大利亚KGWP研发部,八年期间先后任职高级技术顾问与首席研究员,带领团队主持完成澳大利亚矿业施工、装备机加工及智控系统等数十项项目,为公司节省数百万澳币生产资本。同时还在《Mechanical Sciences》、《Frontiers in Materials》、《Coatings》、等多个SCI期刊担任评审专家与客座主编。

Qingyu Yao, PhD and PostDoc of the University of New South Wales in Australia (QS ranked 19), is appointed with Distinguished Professor and Academic Leader of advanced material processing, high-precision machining and intelligent manufacturing research centre, in the Faculty of Engineering, Huanghe Science and Technology University. He worked in China as an overseas high-level talent after acquiring the confirmation of “High Level Foreign Talents” from the Henan Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. He participated in one ARC National Discovery Project (DP0557895) and was majorly in charge of two ARC National Industrial Linkage Projects (LP0669848, LP110100054), with the University of Wollongong, University of Sydney, University of New South Wales, CSIRO Mining Exploration and Bradken Group, respectively. Then, he joined KGWP, Sydney, as the senior technological consultant and the principal researcher successively. After 8-year industrial project research and development on mechanical and manufacturing processes, he assisted the company to save the production cost over millions of dollars. Dr. Yao is also invited as reviewers and leading guest editors for peer reviewed journals (Science Citation Index -Expanded), such as “Mechanical Sciences”, “Frontiers in Materials”, and “Coatings” etc.


